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to the fascinating world of our beauriful marwari horses

Calm and easy but full of fire the same time and with a brave heart - in every breath and every single movement Marwaris show their unique character. Let the history and myths around this breed inspire you - and with the time you will see that most of the legends are just reality!

You will feel soon why we love our Marwari horses from the bottom of our heart!
We offer different ways to get in contact with our Marwaris.
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Photoshootings</span>&nbsp;
Catch the beauty of the Marwaris at breathtaking photoshootings
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Trailrides&nbsp;</span>
Enjoy  the gentle power of our Marwari  horses while exploring India on horseback
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Fundrising&nbsp;</span>
In our fudrising project we help carriage horses to improve hteir conditions 
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Our horses&nbsp;</span>
Our horses 
 Have a look at some of our beautiful Marwaris
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Travel info&nbsp;</span>
Travel info 
When you travel to India for the first time, youth have a lot of questions. 

Here you can find some advice.  

Stay connected with us!
Contact: Bhuneshwar Singh,
2172 Sankotra House, Johari Bazar, Jaipur, 302002
tel.+91 98927 77752

You can see our daily life also at Instagram and Facebook - click the bottom below